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How to fill


in your application

You can apply from February 1st. If  If you wish to apply for programmes taught in Danish, you will need to use the Danish language page. application, you find by following this link.

Each application must be approved complete andsent before March 15th, 12 :00 am noon (CET) for applicants without a Danish exam. The deadline July 5th, 12 :00 am noon (CET) only applies to applicants with a Danish upper secondary education.

You will receive response a respond to your application(s) July 26th 2024

You can read about admission about admission requirements, rules and principals for   admission in quota 1 and quota 2   at

UI Expand
titleHow to log on in to

Do you not have a Danish CPR-number?

  • Click No, if you do not have a Danish CPR-number
  • Type your email address and click OK

You will receive an email with a link to your application. You have to use the link every time, you want to access your application.

  • Click at the link or copy the link to your browser
  • Enter your personal information

The system will create a constructed personal number ID which you can see in the application.

Do you have Danish NemIDMitID?

  • Log on in with your NemIDMitID

You have to can apply using NemID MitID if you have a Danish CPR-number.
Do you have an eID/national ID?

  • Log on with your national ID

Problems logging onProblems logging in?

UI Expand
titleThe tab Information about you
UI Expand
titlePersonal information

Have you not logged on in with NemIDMitID?

  • Type your personal information yourself
  • Type your email address and telephone number including the country code

When you log on in with NemIDMitID, the sections with your name, CPR-number and address are automatically filled in appears with information from the Danish CPR-register. You can not edit this information.

If there are errors in the information is not correct, you must contact Borgerservice in the municipality where you live.

UI Expand

Are Do you hold a citizen citizenship in another country than Denmark?

  • Choose the country of your home country citizenship in the drop down menu
  • Mark whether you have a residence permit in Denmark or are a EU/EEA Citizencitizen
  • If you are hold a citizen citizenship in a country outside the EU/EEA and have a residence permit in Denmark, you have to must upload your residence permit in under the tab Attachments

Denmark is chosen as default, so if you are a Danish citizen you do not have to do anythingfurther.


If you are a citizen in a EU/EEA country (including Nordic citizens) you do not have to document your citizenship.

UI Expand
titlePrevious admissions to a Danish higher education educational programme
  • Click No, if you are not and have not previously been accepted at a Danish higher education educational programme

Higher education educational programmes are Business Academy-, Professional Bachelor-, an artistic education or a University educationUniversity programmes and artistic educations.
Vocational upper secondary educations and part time educations in futher and continuing education do not count herein this context.

Are you currently or have you previously been accepted in to/ at a Danish higher education educational programme?

  • Click Yes, if you are or have previously been enrolled in a higher education
  • Check Mark whether you have completed or expect to complete the higher educationa master's programme
  • Click the pencil to the far right, so you can to fill in the fields blanks with the name of the program programme and passed ECTS points
  • Click the check mark when you have filled in the fieldsblanks
  • Upload the relevant documentation by clicking at the button Add Attachments. You can also upload documentation later using under the tap Attachments
titlePlease note

It is important that you investigate documentation requirements at the website(s) of the educational institution(s) you are applying at.

Applicants, who have completed a master's degree, can only be offered a place at a higher educational programme, if there are available study places.
You find more information about this rule at (in Danish) and

Please note, that applicants with a completed master's degree, can not apply for a standby place. 

You find information on how to fill in the blanks Below you can find information on how to fill in the fields if you want to:

UI Expand
titleAdmission after the special Greenlandic scheme

You only have to mark the field this if you have a connection to Greenland and meet the criteria for using the special scheme.

Do you have a connection to Greenland?

  • Mark, if you want to apply for admission under the special Greenlandic scheme
  • Upload relevant documentation by clicking at the button Add Attachments. You can also upload documentation later using under the tab Attachments

You can find out, information about whether the special Greenlandic scheme is relevant for you by clicking the question mark up in the right hand corner at the top.

UI Expand
titleSave Information about you
  • Click on the button Save on the top of the page when you have filled in the information

You can not edit the information in the tab Information about you this information about you, once you have approved your first application.

If you want to edit the contact information later, you can upload an attachment with a description of your wishes for corrections or contact the educational institution directly.

UI Expand
titleHow to fill out in the tab Entry qualifications
UI Expand
titleEntry qualifications

View See how to fill out in your Entry qualifications if you have a:

What to do if I expect my ?

Are you logged in with NemIDMitID?

When you apply with NemIDMitID, your diploma will automatically be downloaded and attached automatically to your application, if your diploma it is found registered in the Danish exam database (Eksamensdatabasen).

  • Click the button View your diplomas button to check that it if the diploma is the correct diploma
  • If there is an error in a diploma, the diploma is not correct, please contact the school that issued the diploma

View See how you to fill out in your Entry qualifications if you have Danish exams that are not in the Danish Exam database (in Danish).

UI Expand
titleBonus for early study startSave your entry qualifications
  • Click the button Save at the top of the page, if you have filled in your entry qualifications by yourself

You can not edit your entry qualifications, once you have approved your first application.

After approving your application you can submit new diplomas to the application by clicking the tab Attachments

This also applies if you pass your upper secondary education this year.
Remember to log in to, once you have passed the courses to upload your new diploma and add it to your applications before July 5th, 12 noon (CET

If you have an upper secondary education from 2017, 2018 or 2019 and your grade point average can be converted into a Danish grade point average, your grade point average (results from final exams) will be multiplied with 1.08 due to bonus for early study start.

The adjustment is made automatically, and you do not have to do anything yourself.

You can read more about early study start (hurtigstartsbonus) at (in Danish


At some education programmes you have to decide whether you wish to start in the summer or in the winter the year after.

  • Click No if possible, I would rather start in the summer, if you would rather start in August/September
  • Click Yes if possible, I would rather start in the winter, if you would rather start in January/February
UI Expand
titleHow to fill in the tab Choice of education programme
UI Expand
titleAdd educations to your priority listSave your entry qualifications
  • Click the button Save at the top of the page, if you have filled out your admission requirements yourself

You can not edit your entry qualifications, once you have approved your first application.

After approving you can submit new diplomas to the application by clicking the tab Attachments
This also applies for new students from this year.

Remember to log on to, once you have passed the courses, upload your new diploma and add it to your applications before July 5, 12:00 am (CET).

UI Expand
titleHow to fill out the tab Choice of education programme
  • Add Education to your priority list
  • Find an educational programme
    • You can search for the name of the educational programme in the search bar
    • You can choose to limit your search by region, city and/or study start
  • Click the little arrow to the left of the name of the educational programme to view admission requirements, and find links to more information about the education
  • Click the button Choose to apply for admission to the educational programme

You can apply for up to 8 educational programmes in prioritized order.

You can only be offered 1 study place - at the highest ranked option possible. It is therefore important that you prioritize the applications according to where you prefer to study.

You can change your priorites up until July 5th, 12 noon (CET).

If you have an upper secondary education and your grade point average can be converted to a Danish grade point average, your application will automatically be assessed in both quota 2 and 1. Applicants with a non-Danish exam must submit their application no later than March 15th, 12 noon (CET). This is also the deadline for quota 2-applications.

UI Expand
titleCheck courses on an upper secondary level passed in addition to the entry qualifications

Have you passed other courses than your upper secondary education?

  • Click the pencil to the far right to fill in the blanks
  • Click the check mark when you have filled in the blanks
  • Click the + icon that emerges to add courses to the list
  • Upload diploma(s) as documentation by clicking the button Add Attachments at the bottom of this section. You can also upload the diploma(s) later under the tab Attachments
UI Expand
titleExpected supplementary courses passed
  • Mark, if you are currently taking supplementary courses, or if you are submitted to Summer supplementary courses
  • Click the pencil in the list to the very right to fill out the sections
  • Mark by ticking the box, when you have added the supplementary courses
  • Upload documentation for admission to the supplementary courses, if the educational programme you want to apply for requires it
  • Click the button Add Attachments at the bottom of the page. You can also upload documentation for admission to supplementary courses later using the tab Attachments

In the article about summer supplimentary courses at you will find an overview of which educational institutions that demands documentation for admittance to Summer supplementary courses (in Danish). Please note that not all educational institutions accept summer supplementary courses.

You must log in to your application again before July 5th, 12 noon (CET) and upload documentation for passed supplementary courses.

Documentation for passed summer supplimentary courses has to be send directly to the educational institution(s).

UI Expand
titleChoose field of study

Some educational programmes have different fields of study.

Are you looking for a programme with several fields of study?

  • Select the field of study that you want to search for in the drop down menu
UI Expand
titleChoose if you want to apply for standby admission
  • Mark if you want to apply for a standby place

Before you decide if you want to apply for a standby place, it is a good idea to read about the rules and the consequences of standby admission.

Please note, that applicants with a completed master's degree, can not apply for a standby place. 

Read more about standby admission by clicking the question mark up in the right hand corner. You can also read about standby at

UI Expand
titleMark summer or winter start

At some educational programmes you have to decide whether you wish to start in the summer or in the winter the following year.

  • Click No if possible, I would rather start in the summer, if you prefer to start in August/September
  • Click Yes if possible, I would rather start in the winter, if you prefer to start in January/February


The educational institution distributes the study places according to their own criteria. Therefore, you can not be sure to have your wish for preferred study start fulfilled, even if you are admitted to the education. You can read more about summer and winter start at

Please note that some educational programmes have to be applied for twice, if you want to apply for both summer and winter start.

UI Expand
titleMark, if you have pre-approval from last year
  • Click No, if you did not get a standby place last year
  • Click Yes, if you got a standby place last year and have pre-approval to start studying at the educational programme

If you have pre-approval you must upload your letter of admission from the educational institution.

  • Click Add Attachments to upload the letter of admission. You can also upload the letter of admission later using the tab Attachments

If you have pre-approval for a specific educational programme, you can still apply for admission at other educational programmes.
Please note that you can only be offered one study place. Therefor, if you apply for higher prioritized programmes than the programme you have pre-approval for, the pre-approval will only apply if you are not accepted at one of the higher prioritized programmes.

UI Expand
titleMark, if you apply without a qualifying exam

This section will show, if you have chosen that you do not have a qualifying exam under the tab Entry Qualifications.

  • Mark if you want to apply for admission with special permission or if you have previously received special admission for the educational programme you are applying for.

Do you wish to apply for special permission to admission without entry qualifications?

  • Write your application about special permission in a separate document and attach it as a pdf
  • Upload the document by clicking the button Add Attachment at the bottom of the page. You can also upload your application for special permission for admission later under the tab Attachments

Have you previously received special permission for the educational programme you are applying for?

  • Add your journal number, and the date you got the permission
  • Upload documentation for the special permission
  • Click the button Add Attachments at the bottom of the page. You can also upload documentation for special permission later under the tab Attachments
UI Expand
titleFill in the quota 2 sections

The quota 2 sections in the application only shows until the application deadline for quota 2 at March 15th, 12 noon

UI Expand
titleAdd educations to your priority list
  • Click the button Add Education to your priority list
  • Find an educational programme
    • You can search for the name of the educational programme in the search field
    • Sort optionally by region or language
    • Choose under Study Start, if you want to sort by time for starting studies
  • Click the little arrow to the left of the name of the educational programme to view admission requirements, and find links to more information about the education
  • Click the button Choose to apply for admission to the educational programme
titlePlease note

You can apply for up to 8 educational programmes in prioritized order.

You will only be offered1 study place at an educational institution - at the highest-ranking option possible. It is therefore important that you prioritize the applications according to where you prefer to study.

You can change your priorites until July 5, 12:00 am (CET).

If you have an upper secondary education and you apply for quota 2  admission, your application will automatically be assess in quota 1. Thus you do not have to apply for the same education at both the quota 2 deadline March 15 and the quota 1 deadline at July 5, provided that your grade point average can be converted to Danish grade point average.

UI Expand
titleCheck courses on an upper secondary level passed in addition to the entry qualifications

Have you passed courses other than your secondary higher education?

  • Click the pencil to the very right so you can fill out the sections
  • Click the check mark, when you have filled out the section
  • Click at the +-icon that emerges to add more subjects to the list
  • Upload diplomas as documentation by clicking the button Add Attachments at the buttom of the page. You can also upload the diploma(s) later using the tab Attachments
UI Expand
titleExpected supplementary courses passed
  • Mark, if you are currently taking supplementary courses, or if you are submitted to Summer supplementing courses
  • In the list you have to click the pencil to the very right to fill out the sections
  • Mark by ticking the box, when you have finish adding any supplementary courses
  • Upload documentation for submitting to the supplementary courses, if the study programme you want to apply for admission requires it
  • Click the button Add Attachments at the bottom of the page. You can also upload documentation for submitting later using the tab Attachments

In the article about summer supplimenting courses (sommersupplering) at you find an overview for which education institutions demand documentation for admittance to Summer supplementing courses (in Danish).

UI Expand
titleChoose field of study

Some programs have different fields of study.

Are you looking for a degree program with several fields of study?

  • Select the field of study that you want to search for in the drop down menu
UI Expand
titleChoose if you want to apply for standby admission
  • Mark if you want to apply for a standby place

Before you decide if you want to apply for a standby place, it is a good idea that you read about the rules for and the consequences of standby admission.

Read more about standby admission by clicking the question mark in the top right corner. You can also read about standby at

UI Expand
titleMark summer or winter start
titlePlease note

The educational institution distributes the applications after their own distribution criteria. Therefore, you can not be sure to have your wish for study start fulfilled, even if you are admitted to the education. You can read more about summer and winter start at

Be aware that some educations have to be applied for twice, if you want to apply for both summer and winter start.

UI Expand
titleMark, if you have pre-approval from last year
  • Click No, if you did not get a standby place and admission last year
  • Click Yes, if you have pre-approval to start studying at the educational programme already

If you already have pre-approval you have to upload your letter of admission from the educational institution.

  • Click Add Attachments to upload the letter of admission. You can also upload the letter of admission later using the tab Attachments
titlePlease note

Even when you have pre-approval to start studying you can still apply for admission at other educational programmes.
If you apply for higher prioritized educations your pre-approval for admission will only apply, if you are not accepted at one of the higher priorities.

You can read more about standby at

UI Expand
titleMark, if you apply without a qualifying exam

The section will show, if you have chosen that you do not have a qualifying exam under the tab Entry Qualifications.

  • Mark if you want to apply for admission with special permission or if you previously have received special admission to the education programme you are applying for.

Do you wish to apply for special permission to admission without entry qualifications?

  • Write your application about special permission in a separate document and save it as a pdf-file
  • Upload the document by clicking the button Add Attachment at the bottom of the page. You can also uploade your application about special permission for admission later uon the tab Attachments

Have you previously received special permission to the education programme that you are applying for admission?

  • Add your journal number, and the date you got the permission
  • Upload documentation for the special permission
  • Click the button Add Attachments at the bottom of the page. You can also upload documentation for special permission later using the tab Attachments
UI Expand
titleFill out the quota 2 fields

The quota 2 sections in the application are only shown until the application deadline for quota 2 March 15, 12:00 am (CET).

  • Click the link See quota 2 criteria at the website of the educational institution to orientate yourself about which criteria you will be appraised from


You can only see the activities that are relevant for the educational programme you are applying for right now. The quota 2 section can be different at for the different eudacational eduacational programmes and educational institutions - even if it is the same educational programme you are applying for different places in the country.

  • Fill out in the sections that are relevant for you

  • Click the pencil to the far right to fill out in the fieldsblanks

  • Click the check mark when you have are finished filling out the field

  • Click the plus + icon that is showing emerges to add more activities if it is relevant for you

  • Click the button Add Attachment at the bottom of the page. You can also upload documentation for your activities later using the tab Attachments

Is the section Admission Test quota 2 showing?

  • Read about contents and time for the admission test or the homework assignment at the website of the educational institution

Is the section Motivated Application showing?

  • Write your motivated application in a separate document and save as a pdf-file

  • Upload the document at the bottom of the page by clicking the button Add Attachments. You can also upload your motivated application using the tab Attachments

titlePlease note

If the field Motivated application is not showing, it means that the educational programme is not considering motivated applications in their assessment.

See what you should be aware of when filling in the quota 2 sections

titleIs the section Professional experience, professional interrnship, military service and maternity/paternity leave showing?
  • Examine the educational insitution's website for their requirements concerning work hours and length of employment. Please note that the requirements may vary at the different educational programmes

You can use a employer's declaration to document your employment.

If you are unable to obtain an employer's declaration, please check the educational institution's website, to see what other documentation they accept.

titleIs the section Admission test in quota 2 showing?
  • Read about contents and time for the admission test, how to sign up for the test or the homework assignment at the website of the educational institution
titleIs the section Motivated application showing?
  • Write your motivated application in a separate document and save as a pdf file
  • Upload the document at the bottom of the page by clicking the button Add Attachments. You can also upload your motivated application using the tab Attachments

If the section Motivated application is not showing in the application it means that the specific educational programme does not take motivated applications in to account when assessing the applications.

UI Expand
titleUse the button Add attachments
  • Click the button Add Attachments to add relevant documentation for the activities you wish to add

  • Click the button Add Attachments to upload your motivated application if the field Motivated Application is shown

You can also upload documentation and the motivated application later under the tab Attachments.


When you add attachments under the tab Choice

UI Expand
titleUse the button Add attachments
  • Click the button Add Attachments to add relevant documentation for the activities you have added

  • Click the button Add Attachments to upload your motivated application if the field Motivated Application is shown

You can also upload documentation and the motivated application later under the tab Attachments.


When you add attachments under the tab Choice of education programme the attachment will automatically link to the application you are currently filling outin. If the attachment is relevant for more applications on your priority list, you have to can link it to the other priorities under tab Attachments yourself.

UI Expand
titleSave and add the educational programme to your priority list
  • Click on the Save button in at the bottom of the page to finish your application

The educational programme is does now shown appear on your priority list.

If you have not finished filling out completed the application you can save it and continue the application later.

  • Click the name of the application on the priority list to fill out in or make corrections to edit the application


When you have finished filling out completed the specific application, you have to approve it before it is sent off to the educational institution and you have applied.

UI Expand
titleEntry requirements for higher education programmes

Read about entry requirements for higher education programmes and introduction of changes in entry requirements (pdf)

UI Expand
titleApprove your application

Did you not log on in with NemIDMitID?

  • Click the button Approve and print to print the signature page
  • Print the signature page
  • Sign the signature page
  • Scan and save the signed signature page if you want to attach it to an email
  • Send the signed signature page to the education institution on email or mail
You also have to send the signiture page if you logged on with eID/national ID.
  • using e-mail or mail

You can find email addresses of the educalional institutions, who accept educational institutions that accept signed signature pages sent by email e-mail or upload at (In the article is in Danish).

titlePlease note

Remember that the educational institutions have to The educational institution(s) must have received the signature page before no later than March 15 at 12:00 am th, 12 noon (CET) for quota 2 and applicants without a Danish exam for the application to be considered on time.

Deadline for quota 1 is before July 5th, 12 :00 am noon (CET) for applicants with a Danish exam who does not wish to apply in quota 2.

You have to send one signiture page for every education must send a signature page to each educational programme you are applying for.

Have you logged on in with NemIDMitID?

When you have finished filling out completed the specific application, you have to approve it before it is sent off to the education educational institution and you have applied.

  • Click the button Approve and sign to sign with your NemIDMitID

You have to approve every each specific application with you NemID before your MitID no later than March 15 before 12:00 am (th, 12 noon (CET), when you apply based on a non-Danish or with an international exam.

UI Expand
titleHow to check and add attachments under the tab Attachments

To upload your upper secondary school leaving certificate or add other attachments:

  • Click the button Add attachment
  • Find the relevant document on your computer. You can only add documents that are saved as pdf - files
  • Give the file a relevant name in the text box and click OK
  • Click the check mark of one or more educations programmes you want educational programme(s) you wish to attach the attachment to and sent to. Otherwise the education . If the attachement is not ticked of, the educational institution will not receive the attachment

Have you previously added attachments to the application?

  • Check that the box next to the priority the attachment is connected to is ticked
  • Click on more check marks yourself, if the attachment is relevant for the priorities

Image RemovedPicture shows attachments to the applicationImage Added

titlePlease note

Be aware the education The educational institution can only see the attachments that are marked with a tick next to the number on the priority list.

UI Expand
titleHow to check that the application is sendsent

You can access your application again in the same way you did, as when you first made the application

  • Go to the tab Choice of education programme and view your priority list

Have you applied without NemID MitID?

  • Check that there is an envelope next to your priority

The envelope signals that you have printed the signature page, but you have not applied before you have sent the signature page to the education educational institution by email (s) by e-mail or mail. If you send your application by mail the application must be received at the education educational institution before March 15th, 12 .00 am noon (CET).

When the envelope is open and the box next to it is ticked, the educational institution has retrieved the retrieved the application.

Have you applied with NemIDMitID?

  • Check that you have an envelope next to your priority

The envelope signals that you have sent the application correctly and that you have applied.
When the envelope is open and the box next to it is ticked, the educational institution has retrieved the application.

UI Expand
titleHow to change your application

After you have approved and sent your application you can:

  • Add new educational programmes to the priority list until March 15th, 12 :00 am noon (CET)

You have to make the following changes before July 5th, 12 :00 am noon (CET)


Remember to check the deadlines for uploading attachments at the educational institutionsinstitution.

If you delete an application after March 15th, 12 :00 am noon (CET) and add the educational programme to your priority list again, it will no longer be assessed.

If you want to change contact information, entry qualifications, wishing applying for standby place or starting start date for studies you can upload an attachment including a description of what you want to change, or you can contact the educational institution directly.

Inkludér sideSTILVIDENOFFENTLIG:Sidemenu international | Optagelse.dkSTILVIDENOFFENTLIG:Sidemenu international |

Live chat for international applicants for higher education in Denmark

Are you going to apply for an education in Denmark?

As an EU and EEA citizen, you can participate in a live chat, where you can ask about the application process at

  • Tuesday February 19, 7-9 pm (CET)
  • Tuesday February 26, 7-9 pm (CET)
  • Sunday March 10, 2-4 pm (CET)
  • Tuesday March 12, 7-9 pm (CET)