If you do not have the opportunity to apply for educational programmes at Optagelse.dk during the application period, you can give another person power of attorney to apply on your behalf.
To apply by proxy you must:
Find the declaration of power of attorney (Danish PDF)
Specify which educational programmes you want to apply for, and in which order of priority
Sign the declaration of power of attorney together with the person you wish to give power of attorney
Save all necessary documents as pdf files (diplomas, any individual subject certificates, any motivated applications, etc.) and send them to the person holding the power of attorney.
The holder of the power of attorney must:
Log in to Optagelse.dk via one of the two following entrances after February 1st. and well in advance of the application deadline:
Enter your own email address and write the applicant's CPR number (if applicant has one).
The holder of power of attorney will now receive an e-mail with a link to the application at Optagelse.dk and must complete the application on behalf of the applicant. See the application guide if there are any questions along the way.
The holder of the power of attorney should pay extra attention to:
Complete the address information and entry qualifications for the applicant
Find the programmes listed under the tab 'Choice of education programme' and fill in the applications
Click the 'Approve' button
Print a signature page for each educational programme and sign it with your own name
Send the signature page by e-mail or by mail to each of the educational programmes together with a copy of the signed declaration of power of attorney.
Read more about the signature page (articles in Danish) via this link to see more specific information from the educational institutions, e.g. whether the institution accepts the page by e-mail or upload and to find e-mail addresses of the institutions.