Please note

Examine the educational institution's websites for information on which other activities may be relevant to their assessment of you in quota 2. It can for example be voluntarily, unpaid work.

You can see the educational programme's quota 2 criteria via the link: 'See quota 2 criteria on the educational instituion site's website' at the top of the quota 2 field.

Examine the requirements and deadlines for documentation via the link 'See requirements for documentation on the educational institution site's own website'.

How to fill in the sections 'Other relevant activities'

  • Click the pencil to the far right to fill in the blanks
  • Fill in the blanks to note which institution/organization and type of activity 
  • Under 'From' select the date you started the activity
  • Under 'To' select the date you ended the activity
    • If you are still in the process and do not know the end date, leave the blank empty
  • Write your average weekly working hours under the 'Weekly working hours' field
  • Write the number of months the activity lasted

    • If you are still in the process, write the number of months until the start of the study

  • Click the check mark when you have completed this section
  • Click the + (plus-icon) that appears to add more activities if relevant
  • Click 'Add Attachments' at the bottom of the page to upload documentation for your activities
    • You can also upload documentation later on the 'Attachments' tab.