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UI Expand
titleKotApplicationService 2020
UI Expand
titleKotApplicationService 2021
EnvironementEndpointEndpoint WSDL + XSDDescription
ProdNot readyNot readyFetch of KOT-applications for application round 2021.
PreprodNot readyNot readyFetch of KOT-applications for application round 2021.
Test of KOT-applications for application round 2021.
Test 2 (int) of KOT-applications for application round 2021.

Changes to web service

UI Expand
titleChanges to KOTApplicationService for 2020 since admission round 20202019

Update the xsd to the webservice "KOTApplicationService"

As an receiving institution I don't want to see information about bonus for early study start and special exeptions, as this information is no longer applicable.

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: The elements <EarlyStartupBonus> and <SpecialExemptions> incl. child elements must be removed from the webservice.

Update the webservice KOTApplicationService

As an receiving institution I don't want to see information about bonus for early study start and special exeptions, as this information is no longer applicable.

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: The element <GradePointAverageAdjusted> must only contain the values converted from the 13 to 7 scale.

Update the xsd's in Webservice KOTApplicationService with education station

As IE (receiving institution), I want to receive information about the KOT-applicant's choice of education station, so I can allocate students in accordance with their choice.


It is possible for institutions to add Education Stations (Uddannelsesstationer) to their offers. When KOT-applicants apply for such offers, they must select if they want to take a part of their education on an Education Station. Therefore, the institutions need to receive the information about the applicant's choice.

The functionality for Education Stations will be similar to the current functionality for study directions. 

“EducationStation" should be optional, because the new element is only relevant if Education Station(s) have been added to the KOT offer, because only then, the KOT applicant must choose. 

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: A new element should be added to the xsd. The new element should be called <EducationStation>.

AC2: The element should be placed under the element <AdmissionApplication> below the element <StudieLinePlace>.

AC3: The <EducationStation> element should be optional.

Update the webservice KOTApplicationService with education stations

As IE (receiving institution), I want to receive information about the KOT-applicant's choice of education station, so I can allocate students in accordance with their choice. 


It is possible for institutions to add Education Stations (Uddannelsesstationer) to their offers. When KOT-applicants apply for such offers, they must select if they want to take a part of their education on an Education Station. Therefore, the institutions need to receive the information about the applicant's choice.

The functionality for Education Stations will be similar to the current functionality for study directions. 

“EducationStation" should be optional, because the new tag is only relevant if Education Station(s) have been added to the KOT offer, because only then, the KOT applicant must choose. 

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: The element <EducationStation> must be added to the webservice response in KotApplicationService.

AC2: The element <EducationStation> must contain the applicant's choise of education station.

If the applicant has selected ”Jeg foretrækker at læse hele uddannelsen i [Hovedby]” (the first radio button option), the element will contain the value "none". 

AC3: The element <EducationStation> is optional (because it is only relevant for offers with education stations).
