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Webservicen anvendes til afhentning af ansøgninger til de videregående uddannelser, som er en del af den Koordinerede Tilmelding (KOT). Adgang til webservicen kræver forudgående aftale med Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet, som er dataansvarlig. Læs mere om, hvordan du får en aftale om adgang.

Dokumentationen fortsættes på engelsk.


Description of web service

Web service description (WSDL and XSD) can be extracted from the endpoint. The description contains defintion of fields, data types, field lenghts, describes if fields are mandatory or not, field descriptions, etc.

Schema for exam certificates included in web service response

If the applicant have exam certificates in the National Exam Database (Eksamensdatabasen), these certificates is deliver through the KOTApplicationService. Certificates are included as XML and PDF. The XML schema definition of the certificates can be found in the zip below.

View file

Application status (description)

Status for ansøgning<ApplicationStatus>Beskrivelse
Original ansøgningORIGINALDen oprindelige ansøgning.
Ansøgning opdateretUPDATEDMindst ét af følgende elementer er opdateret:
·         <HighSchoolSelected>
·         <DiplomaDatabase>
·         <DiplomaYear>
·         <DiplomaQualifier>
·         <GradePointAverage7scale>
·         <GradePointAveragePerApplication>
·         <IsAdjustedDuetoSupplementaryCourses>
Elementet <EnclosureList> kan også være opdateret, da bilag også kan være opdaterede.
Elementet <OtherExam> kan være opdateret, hvis et nyt bilag fra Eksamensdatabasen indeholder nye prøvebeviser.
Dvs. hvis både ansøgning og bilag opdateres på samme tid vil ansøgningen få tilstanden UPDATED.
Bilag opdateretENCLOSURE_UPDATEDMindst én af følgende ændringer:
·         Bilag er tilføjet
·         Bilag er slettet 
Elementet <EnclosureList> er opdateret. 
Elementet <OtherExam> kan være opdateret, hvis et nyt bilag fra Eksamensdatabasen indeholder nye prøvebeviser.
Ansøgning slettetCANCELLEDAnsøgningen er slettet.
Tilhørende bilag er også slettet fra

Changes to web service

UI Expand
titleChanges to KOTApplicationService 2020 since admission round 2019

Update the xsd to the webservice "KOTApplicationService"

As an receiving institution I don't want to see information about bonus for early study start and special exeptions, as this information is no longer applicable.

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: The elements <EarlyStartupBonus> and <SpecialExemptions> incl. child elements must be removed from the webservice.

Update the webservice KOTApplicationService

As an receiving institution I don't want to see information about bonus for early study start and special exeptions, as this information is no longer applicable.

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: The element <GradePointAverageAdjusted> must only contain the values converted from the 13 to 7 scale.

Update the xsd's in Webservice KOTApplicationService with education station

As IE (receiving institution), I want to receive information about the KOT-applicant's choice of education station, so I can allocate students in accordance with their choice.


It is possible for institutions to add Education Stations (Uddannelsesstationer) to their offers. When KOT-applicants apply for such offers, they must select if they want to take a part of their education on an Education Station. Therefore, the institutions need to receive the information about the applicant's choice.

The functionality for Education Stations will be similar to the current functionality for study directions. 

“EducationStation" should be optional, because the new element is only relevant if Education Station(s) have been added to the KOT offer, because only then, the KOT applicant must choose. 

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: A new element should be added to the xsd. The new element should be called <EducationStation>.

AC2: The element should be placed under the element <AdmissionApplication> below the element <StudieLinePlace>.

AC3: The <EducationStation> element should be optional.

Update the webservice KOTApplicationService with education stations

As IE (receiving institution), I want to receive information about the KOT-applicant's choice of education station, so I can allocate students in accordance with their choice. 


It is possible for institutions to add Education Stations (Uddannelsesstationer) to their offers. When KOT-applicants apply for such offers, they must select if they want to take a part of their education on an Education Station. Therefore, the institutions need to receive the information about the applicant's choice.

The functionality for Education Stations will be similar to the current functionality for study directions. 

“EducationStation" should be optional, because the new tag is only relevant if Education Station(s) have been added to the KOT offer, because only then, the KOT applicant must choose. 

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: The element <EducationStation> must be added to the webservice response in KotApplicationService.

AC2: The element <EducationStation> must contain the applicant's choise of education station.

If the applicant has selected ”Jeg foretrækker at læse hele uddannelsen i [Hovedby]” (the first radio button option), the element will contain the value "none". 

The max length of the element is 4.000 characters.

AC3: The element <EducationStation> is optional (because it is only relevant for offers with education stations).

UI Expand
titleChanges to KOTApplicationService 2021 since admission round 2020

Add a new element, “PassingYear”, to “Other”

As a receiving institution, I want to receive informations about the passing year for applicants who select “Andet adgangsgrundlag (herunder hf-fagpakke)”, so I know if applicants have already finished their admission exam or if they expect to complete it later in the current year.


If KOT-applicants select "Andet adgangsgrundlag (herunder hf-fagpakke)", they need to enter their passing year (manually) in the field "Eksamensår". The institutions should receive this information via webservice. 

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: A new element “PassingYear” should be added as subelement to “Other” in the xsd’s.

AC2: The new element should be placed as subelement to “Other”.

AC3: The descriptive text for the element must be: "Year of passing".

AC4: The new element “PassingYear” should be added as subelement to “Other” in the webservice response.

AC5: The new element “PassingYear” for “Other” should contain the passing year that the applicant has entered in “Eksamensår” if “Andet adgangsgrundlag (herunder hf-fagpakke)” was selected as “Adgangsgrundlagstype”.

Remove the element ”uvm:MailingAddress”

As a receiving institution, I don't want to see information about the applicant's mailing address, because I don't use this information.

Please note: The element “uvm:MailingAddress” does not contain email address. Information about email address is supported in the element “uvm:EmailAddress”.

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: The element uvm:MailingAddress incl. child elements must be removed from the xsd’s.

AC2: The element uvm:MailingAddress must be removed in the webservice response.

The block ”Uddannelser eller kurser, der ikke er på gymnasialt eller videregående niveau”/"Educations and courses which are not on an upper secondary or higher education level" should be reflected in KotApplicationService

As a receiving institution, I want the information that the KOT applicant has entered in the block ”Uddannelser eller kurser, der ikke er på gymnasialt eller videregående niveau”/"Educations and courses which are not on an upper secondary or higher education level" when I collect applications, in order to ensure that I receive all relevant information.

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: The new element (and sub-elements) should be added in the xsd’s and be similar to “OtherExam”. It should appear as follows:

  • AdditionalCourses
    • CourseName
    • Subject
    • Level
    • MarkWritten
    • MarkOral
    • PassingMonth
    • PassingYear

AC2: The new element (and sub-elements) should be added in the webservice response.

AC3: The new element should be placed above “WorkExperience” to keep the same structure as in UI.  

AC4: The descriptive text for the element should be: "Educations and courses which are not on an upper secondary or higher education level – Danish: Uddannelser eller kurser, der ikke er på gymnasialt eller videregående niveau"

The descriptive texts for the subelements should be similar to "OtherExam".

AC5: The new element (and subelements) should contain the information that the applicant has entered in the application in UI.

Add new element, "DiplomaDatabase", to "OtherExam"

As receiving institution, I wish to receive information about whether or not prøvebeviser are obtained from XDB, so I know if I need to check the sincerity of the certificate. 

Description: automatically retrieves prøvebeviser from Eksamensdatabasen just as the applicant has the opportunity to manually enter prøvebeviser/certificates in addition to his or hers exam certificate. Therefore it is necessary to be able to indicate whether or not the cetificate is obtained from Eksamensdatabasen.

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: A subelement "DiplomaDatabase" must be added as a boolean to the xsd's.

AC2: The new element should be placed as subelement to "OtherExam".

AC3: The descriptive text should be "Indicates whether this diploma is from the national danish database system containing exam results or not - Danish: Prøvebevis fra eksamensdatabasen" 

AC4: The subelement "DiplomaDatabase" must be added as subelement to "OtherExam" in the webservice response.

AC5: The new element "DiplomaDatabase" should contain the information about whether or not the cetificate is obtained from XDB.

Supplementary courses (attending and signed up for) must be related to each application and not the applicant

As receiving institution, I want to know if a KOT-applicant is attending supplementary courses and/or is signed up for supplementary courses for each individual application, so I know if recalculation might be relevant. 

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: The values in the elements "AttendingSupplementaryCourse" and "SignedUpForSupplementaryCourse" should reflect the value registered for the specific KOT application in the webservice response.

Textual changes to the element UpperSecondarySupplementing

The xsd documentation (descriptive text) must be changed for "AttendingSupplementaryCourse" and "SignedUpForSupplementaryCourse", to ensure consistency with the texts in UI.

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: The descriptive text for "AttendingSupplementaryCourse" must be:

"Dansk: Jeg er i gang med et suppleringskursus og forventer at bestå inden 5. juli"

"English: I am attending a supplementary course which I expect to pass before July 5"

AC2: The descriptive text for "SignedUpForSupplementaryCourse" must be:

"Dansk: Jeg er tilmeldt et suppleringskursus, som jeg forventer at bestå efter 5. juli"

"English: I have been admitted to a supplementary course which I expect to pass after July 5"

Supplementary courses (subject, level etc.) must be added

As KOT institution, I want KOTApplicationservice to differentiate between information about other courses and exams and information about supplementary courses, so I know which subjects the applicant has already passed and which subjects the applicant are expecting to pass.


A new element should be added that contains the information about supplementary courses that the KOT applicant has entered manually in the block “Forventet bestået supplering”/”Supplementary courses expected to pass".

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: The following element and subelements must be added to the xsd's for KOTApplicationService2021:

  • SupplementaryCourse
    • CourseName
    • Subject
    • Level
    • PassingMonth
    • PassingYear

AC2: The new element should be placed below the element "UpperSecondarySupplementing".

AC3: The descriptive text for the element and subelements should be similar to "OtherExam" (with a few exceptions):

  • SupplementaryCourse: "Supplementary courses expected to pass - Danish: Forventet bestået supplering"
    • CourseName: "Name of course"
    • Subject: "Name of Subject"
    • Level: "Level"
    • PassingMonth: "Month expected to pass"
    • PassingYear: "Year expected to pass"

AC4: The new element and subelements should be added in the webservice response.

AC5: The new element and subelements must contain information about supplementary courses, that the applicant has given for the specific application. This means that information can differ for each application.

No entry qualifications - information about special permission should be at application level

As a receiving institution, I want the information about whether or not the applicant wants to apply for special permission or already has received special permission to be positioned in a way in the webservice that makes it clear, that the information can differ from application to application. 


The block "Ansøgning uden adgangsgivende eksamen" has been implemented in the tab "Uddannelsesvalg" in UI. This means that the radio buttons chosen can differ from application to application. 

In the webservice the elements "ApplyForPermission" and "ExistingPermission" (which corresponds to the radio button options) are still positioned at applicant level under the element Qualifications and not at application level like in UI and DB. 

To make sure the xsd structure match the content, we will move the elements "ApplyForPermission" and "ExistingPermission".

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: The element "NoQualifyingExam" + subelements should be moved from the element “Qualifications”.

AC2: When an applicant with no entry qualifications selects one of the radio buttons in “Ansøgning uden adgangsgivende eksamen”, which can be different for each application, then the elements <ApplyForPermission> and <ExistingPermission> (+ subelements) can differ for each application. 

Changes in AdmissionApplication regarding recalculation or not

As receiving institutuon, I want to receive relevant information about grade point averages for the applicants, so I can make the correct assessment.

Please note: Information about the exam result from the exam certificate is included in the separate XML from Eksamensdatabasen (no change – this is the same as in the current functionality).

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: The subelement ”GradePointAverage” should be removed from the element “Qualifications”.

AC2: The subelement ”GradePointAverageAdjusted” should be removed from the element “Qualifications”.

AC3: The subelement ”GradePointAverageOld13Scale” should be removed from the element “Qualifications”.

AC4: A new subelement, “GradePointAverage7scale”, should be added to the element “AdmissionApplication” under the element "EducationStation". (In the webservice response the new element will be placed below <Studylineplace>, if <EducationStation> is not included).

AC5: The new subelement “GradePointAverage7scale” should contain the grade point average in 7^th^ scale, if the original grade point average is from 13 scale.
If the original GPA is not from 13-scale, the element is not relevant, and should not be included.

AC6: A new subelement, “GradePointAveragePerApplication”, should be added to the element “AdmissionApplication” under the element "GradePointAverage7scale".

AC7: The new subelement, “GradePointAveragePerApplication”, should contain the grade point average in 7 scale. This GPA can differ per application, and might be downgraded due to GSK recalculation (GSK Genberegning).

Please note:
Untill the GSK recalculation has been implemented in, this element will contain the GPA from the exam certificate (7 scale). The GPA will be converted to 7 scale, if the original GPA was in 13 scale.

AC8: A new subelement, “IsAdjustedDueToSupplementaryCourses”, should be added to the element “AdmissionApplication”.

AC9: The new subelement should contain information about whether or not the “GradePointAveragePerApplication” has been downgraded (Boolean). (Note: Untill the calculation for GSK have been implemented, this will by default be false).

Xsd documentation to the elements regarding grade point average

A xsd documentation (descriptive text) must be added for “GradePointAverage7scale”, “GradePointAveragePerApplication” and “IsAdjustedDueToSupplementaryCourses”.

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: The following help text to the element "GradePointAverage7scale” must be: 

"The exam result converted to the 7-point scale (if the original grade point average is from 13-point scale)"

AC2: The following help text to the element "GradePointAveragePerApplication” must be: 

"Grade point average per application (this may be downgraded after recalculation)"

AC3: The following help text to the subelement "IsAdjustedDueToSupplementaryCourses” must be: 

"Information about whether the grade point average is downgraded or not"

Restrictions must be added in the xsd's

Restrictions must be added in the xsd's for the following elements:

  • InstitutionName.LegalUnitName
  • EducationStation

Acceptance criterias:

AC1: Restrictions for "InstitutionName.LegalUnitName" should be added to the xsd's in KOTApplicationService2021.

AC2: Restrictions for "EducationStation" should be added to the xsd's in KOTApplicationService2021.